EIn Foto von Michel Fahrland aus dem Get Started Team

Michel Fahrland

Werkstudent Startups
Bitkom e.V.
Aktivitäten im Bitkom
Glühbirne im Sonnenuntergang
Startup Legal Guide
Intellectual Property
Soyuz beim Start
Startup Legal Guide
Leere Stühle Zuschauer
Startup Legal Guide
junge Menschen auf Arbeit
Startup Legal Guide
Cloud - Computing - Gaia-X - Technologie - Wolken
Startup Legal Guide
Startup Legal Guide
Startup Legal Guide
KI in MedTech
Startup Legal Guide
Legal Guide Data Act - IoT
Startup Legal Guide
Data Act - IoT
A brightly coloured mural which can be viewed in any direction. It has several scenes within it: people in front of computers seeming stressed, a number of faces overlaid over each other, squashed emojis, miners digging in front of a huge mountain representing mineral resources, a hand holding a lump of coal or carbon, hands manipulating stock charts and error messages, as well as some women performing tasks on computers, men in suits around a table, someone in a data centre, big hands controlling the scene
Startup Legal Guide
KI & Urheberrecht
Zitronen und Tablet
Get Started Learning Lunch
Get Started Learning Lunch