aufs Smartphone guckende Menschen am Fenster

Media Policy


Any question regarding the topic?

Mitarbeiterfoto: Luise Ritter, Bitkom e.V.
Luise Ritter
Policy Officer Media Policy
Bitkom e.V.
Committees on Media Policy
Our members have the opportunity to actively shape the work of Bitkom in the areas of politics, business and society. Our committees are also a platform for networking with competitors, partners and customers.
to the committees

Umsetzung des Barrierefreiheits-stärkungsgesetzes

Frau tippt auf Smartphone

Desinformation und digitale Herausforderungen vor der Wahl

Tech Weekly #72 mit Luise Ritter und Lars Niggemann

Was sind digitale Desinformationskampagnen, Tabea Wilke (Gründerin Twincler)?